The World Needs The Work You Do...
What do YOU need?

Being a helping professional can be some of the most rewarding work in the world. It allows us to focus our gifts and passions on making a real difference in the lives of others.

But our work can also be filled with challenges that throw us off balance and pull us away from our spiritual center. This stress is part of what we all feel. There is also more to us than our professional identity: We have personal lives too.

Although we are there to support others, we still have our own dreams, our own pain.

Get Back to Loving Your Life
And Making An Impact In The World

Stepping Out Of The Helper Role…

All of us need a safe place to step out of the role of “helper” and be real about what our feelings and struggles are. Yet when we spend all our time supporting others, it can be hard to find someone for us to turn to.

My own path has taught me the importance of listening deeply, and taking the time to really “get” the people with whom I work. I know that you already have within you all of the answers that you seek. My job is to stand with you in discovering them.

Let me give you that support.

I have worked with hundreds of people to discover and deepen a heart centered life and spirituality, grounded in their own experiences. I can support you in finding the courage to take the leap of faith you now face. You give so much to the people you live and work with: It’s time to fill your own cup. You can move from discontent to delight in your life, work and spiritual path.

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